Monday 12 September 2011

Panasonic G3 with 14-150mm lens.

Panasonic G3 Olympus 14-150mm zoom lens
All images - Panasonic G3 Olympus 14-150mm zoom lens

A very useful lens and one which at the wide end is very good indeed.
Panasonic G3 Olympus 14-150mm zoom lens

Panasonic G3 Olympus 14-150mm zoom lens

Panasonic G3 Olympus 14-150mm zoom lens

I do really need something for m4/3 which is decent as a telephoto and is relatively light. The 14-150mm is unfortunately not great at the 150mm end. 

Panasonic G3 Olympus 14-150mm zoom lens

I'm not that impressed with the Panasonic 14-140mm at its longest end either, and the other Panasonic and Olympus telephoto zooms seem somewhat bulky.

Hopefully the new 45-175mm x lens might work. Its certainly the right focal length, and the right size and weight. I'm hoping that Panasonics description of it as being optically superior are true. Time will tell.